To browse Academia. One pattern that has emerged today because of changing attitudes of young people in today's society is white marriage, which has become one of the social challenges. White marriage is the way of life without registering a formal and legal marriage that is accepted differently among young people. The purpose of this study is to study the status of white marriage among young people who have experienced this lifestyle, the causes of the tendency to this lifestyle and its consequences, in three metropolises, including Tehran, Mashhad, and Isfahan. Some environmental factors such as religiosity, tendency of individuals to official marriage and its reasons, incidence of pregnancy and abortion, and Importance of virginity were studied. The existence of laws, traditions and religious beliefs related to Same Sex Marriage Statistics Uk factors in Iranian families has led to a change in young people's attitudes towards formal marriage and their greater desire to continue the relationship and choose white marriage. The results of the research indicated that Same Sex Marriage Statistics Uk social rules, religious and custom, which are governing, are involved in determining the phenomenon of cohabitation. Lack of acceptance by society and family, lack of legal protection and having a secret relationship are some of the limitations of this way of life. Key words: Marriage, cohabitation, youth, attitude, Law, religion, custom, Iran. In recent years, the younger generation of the Iranian population has experienced rapid social and cultural changes. One pattern formed because of changing the culture and attitude of the younger generation is white marriage, which is about to become one of the new challenges of Iranian society. The aim of this study was to investigate the socio-cultural factors affecting the change in youth attitudes towards marriage in three cities, including Tehran, Mashhad, and Isfahan. The findings indicated that attitude towards marriage was included of two types as follows: the first type were the people who believed that cultural factors and traditional customs are related to the permanent marriage. The second type was those who were affected by some socio-cultural factors such as lack of belief in permanent marriage, the concept, and were ultimately inspired to unlicensed cohabitation or white marriage. It was found that socio-cultural factors such as age, education, employment, acquaintance, duration of acquaintance, violence against women, and family play an important role in the tendency of white marriage among young people. Lack of acceptance from society and family, lack of support and having a secret relationship are some of the limitations of this way of life. The results of the present study, considering the theoretical and experimental background, showed that social changes, transitional culture, defective modernity and socio-cultural factors are involved in determining the phenomenon of cohabitation. Religious and customary norms define relations between men and women and their relationships in Iran, and the relationship of the couple is considered illegitimate and criminal except in the form of permanent and temporary marriage. Harsh economic conditions such as stagnation and unemployment on the one hand, and the emergence of modernity and normative-value changes on the other hand, have however led young people to live together without formal marriage. This phenomenon is more prevalent among educated and post graduate young people who have migrated to metropolitan areas for work and education. The Iranian authorities have not thoroughly studied this social phenomenon because of religious and cultural sensitivities. Factors examined included the changing life styles and views about marriage of young people, their right to choose their own futures and their right to bodily autonomy. In this first time study, problems and limitations of permanent marriage for women, the economic bottlenecks, the lack of proper employment and the avoidance of religion are the most important reasons which emerge from the research as facilitating the continuation of white or homosexual marriage. After a comprehensive review of the social and legal foundations of white marriage, this research analyses the affected factors and their implications. Strategies have also been proposed for effective steps to reduce the negative consequences of this social phenomenon, as well as raising public awareness about it. This book, like other recent reports by Kameel Ahmady, all linked by common themes, continues to develop previous research on the topics of temporary marriage. This Same Sex Marriage Statistics Uk is published under the title Home with Open Door: research on white marriage in Iran. For the first time in Iran it will reveal the hidden and wide-angle aspects of this phenomenon at macro level, with an emphasis on the Tehran, Mashhad and Isfahan metropolitan areas. Significant sociocultural shifts in Iran have led to profound transformations in marriage Kazemi-pour The aims of this study were to a examine Iranian adults' intentions to marry as well as their attitudes and expectations related to marriage; b make comparisons based on participants' gender, age, and education; and c explore the Same Sex Marriage Statistics Uk of marriage. They completed a demographic items, b the Marital Scales, which assess marriage intent, attitudes, and expectations, and c a semi-structured interview on their intent and purposes of marriage. The three main purposes of marriage were emotional, religious, and sexual, respectively. These results have important implications for practitioners, particularly those who specialize in premarital counseling. Keywords Intent to marry. Marital expectations. Marital attitudes. Purposes of marriage Marriage is considered the starting point of the family life cycle Manap et al. Like any social practice, its norms vary by community and time period Kazemi-pour Global societal trends demonstrate that perspectives of marriage have evolved.
Neredeyse bir yüzyıl boyunca yapılan psikoanalitik ve psikolojik spekülasyonlara rağmen ailenin yetiştirme şeklinin ya da erken çocukluk deneyimlerinin kişide heteroseksüel ya da eşcinsel yönelimin oluşmasında bir rolü olduğuna dair önemli bir kanıt bulunamamıştır. Bu geni koruyan dişi farelerse erkek farelere cinsel ilgi duymuştur. A total score can be computed by summing all responses, which range between 7 and 42, with higher scores indicating higher perceived romantic relationships. SOCE, dini kuruluşların benimsediği değerlerle LGBT hakları kuruluşları, profesyonel ve bilimsel kuruluşlar arasındaki gerginlik yüzünden tartışmalıdır. Eşcinsel arzulara sahip kişilerin sayısı bu arzularını fiile dönüştüren kişilerin sayısından, arzularını fiile dönüştüren kişilerin sayısı da kendi kimliğini gay, lezbiyen ya da biseksüel olarak gören kişilerin sayısından daha büyük olabilir.
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