Insights into Imaging. DOI: Eur Radiol. Epub Feb Spencer, Andrea Rockall. John A. SpencerRosmarie ForstnerTeresa M. CunhaKaren Kinkel. Morsy, Sahar M. El Mashed, Mohamed S. Palmer, Mark E. Lockhart, Julia R. Eur Radiol doi: Incidentally detected non-palpable testicular tumours in adults at scrotal ultrasound: impact of radiological findings on management Radiologic review and recommendations of the ESUR scrotal imaging subcommittee. Eur Radiol ; Testicular microlithiasis: is there a need for surveillance in the absence of other risk factors? European radiology. Testicular microlithiasis imaging and follow-up: guidelines of the ESUR scrotal imaging subcommittee. Facebook X. European Society of Urogenital Radiology. Female Pelvic Imaging Working Group. Bharwani, C. Huchon, K. Kinkel, T. CunhaA. Guerra, L. Manganaro, L. Buñesch, A. Kido, K. Togashi, I. Thomassin-Naggara, A. Rockall European Radiology, Dec 5. Epub Aug Sala, T. Da Cunha, A. Bergman, B. Brkljacic, F. Danza, R.
Lockhart, Julia R. Balleyguier , B. Bülent Düzgünoglu Ziya. Skip to content Pimpinan dan Staf. Kinkel, T.
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