Incolab provides many special services to different kind of working areas. In this area you can review our services and request a quote for any our service when the need arises. The way to increase the productivity in agricultural production, is to increase agricultural inputs. In agriculture sector the fertilizer production in terms of contribution to per unit area, is a very important branch of industry to provide balanced nutrition and to fight against hunger. Regarding this important issue, with its provided services, Incolab helps companies to ensure the quality of the product that they need to purchase. Improper closing and sealing of hatch covers can be a major cause of cargo contamination. Hatch cover leak test is made to protect the cargo from water contamination by preventing the ingress of water through hatch covers. Weigh-bridge survey is made to determine the amount of loaded or discharged goods during Escort Certificate For Export and unloading by supervision of truck weight scale in order to provide accurate measurements and to record results. Escort Certificate For Export certification survey is used to prove the safety condition of the containers in accordance to CSC requirements for international overseas transport. In general, cargo holds and hatch coamings must be examined for potential defects such as rust scale, insect infestation, oil, sludge, and water. Bunker survey is carried out to measure and ascertain the quantity of bunker stored and used on board at a specific place and time. Bunker survey conducts mainly fuel oil, and diesel oil. This weighing method is accepted by the customs of many countries. Being authorized by the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, our company performs radiation measurement of solid materials within the frame of Radiation Health and Safety rules. Control of the goods which will be loaded in accordance with specifications or the specified standards. Hold Cleanliness Inspection In general, cargo holds and hatch coamings must be examined for potential defects such as rust scale, insect infestation, oil, sludge, and water.
The following lists of the Import Regime cover the related goods that are stated below: List No. Answer: Origin is the economic nationality of a good. Question: Is it possible to bring more than one vehicle if a person have two passports? At least 1 hour before arrival at the customs office of entry in the Customs Territory of Turkey. Goods have the status of temporarily stored goods until they are made subject to customs-approved treatment or use following their submission to the customs, and are identified in this context.
Frequently Asked Questions
Facebook: Atiz Ferhat. FAST PILOT Turkey Permit and Escort Service WhatsApp: +90 E-mail: [email protected] Instagram: @fast_pilot. The exporter is asked for information on what kind of transportation he wants to transport his goods, the value of the goods, the weight, volume and other. The exports are regulated by the issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates (PCs) according to the requirements and trade agreements signed with the importing. Patagonia Health's EHR version 5 is certified as Meaningful Use (MU) , Promoting Interoperability (PI) Edition, and 20Real World.The questions about VAT and Excise Tax have to be directed towards the Turkish Revenue Administration; Importation controls: Regarding vehicle importation, Letter of Conformity regulated in regard to controls of Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology or the institution authorized by the Ministry has to be submitted to the competent customs authority during registration of customs declaration. Summary declaration is submitted before the goods arrive the Customs Territory of Turkey. Question: I want to repair my damaged goods brought from abroad in the country. Answer: Transit is a customs procedure that allows for the transport of goods within the customs territory of Turkey: From a country to another country, From abroad to Turkey, From Turkey to abroad, Between two internal customs. Answer: - Accelerating the process and simplification of procedures, - Non-paper based process except for fallback procedure , - Benefiting from simplifications if certain conditions are provided, - Traceability of the guarantees, - Easier border crossing through Contracting Parties, - In case of using comprehensive guarantee, ensuring the release of Guarantees rapidly. Answer : While leaving the customs territory of Turkey, the operator or the representative of the transportation vessel lodges the departure notification to the customs office of exit not the customs office of export. The guarantee instrument shall be retained at the office of guarantee which is Directorate General of Customs in Turkey. Answer : With respect to mode of transportation, time limits to lodge a summary declaration are regulated in Article 67 of Customs Regulation. Furthermore, certain goods can only be imported by certain institutions. Answer: Goods to be exported from the Customs Territory of Turkey are declared to the authorized customs administration by the customs declaration. Question: Is it possible to bring more than one vehicle if a person have two passports? If tourists bring, as accompanied baggage or via cargo, special food products which they need to eat due to their faiths, then such food products shall be allowed in the country without seeking control and permission from Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, provided that concerned tourism organization documents to which passengers these items belong to and declares that such items will be consumed by these individuals. Customs office of entry is the customs office to which goods brought into the Customs Territory of Turkey are conveyed without delay and at which they are subject to appropriate risk-based entry controls. Will the time that I have spent abroad be added to the time that my vehicle has stayed in Turkey? Persons may fulfill their own customs transactions, or they may hire a customs broker with a power of attorney issued by a notary public. This notification is related to the departure of the vessel and all the shipments carried on the departing vessel. Therefore, it is not possible to use the same TIR Carnet returned goods. Answer: In accordance with st article of Customs Regulation, during inspection process or post clearance controls, declarant is directed to authorized institutions to ensure that the goods undergo essential controls if the goods were declared as though they were not subject to controls of related institutions. Question: How can I have access to the legislation that is related to tariff classification published in the Official Journal by Ministry of Customs and Trade? Before embarking on the import process, it is necessary to make an investigation over the required standards and different restrictions put on the entry of the imported goods to the Customs Territory of Turkey such as prohibition, permits, quotas, specialized customs applications, and over whether the goods-related documents such as inspection certificate, control certificate, health certificate, analysis report, and CE certificate shall be demanded by the customs administration, and, if any, to make a preliminary preparation in this regard. Answer: Every legal person, natural person or joint-venture that owns tax ID number and is a member of related exporter association can be an exporter. If I enter and exit from the border gate, will days be given to my vehicle? Question: How is transit duration calculated? Question: How much do I need to pay when I leave my vehicle temporarily to the customs warehouse? If it exceeds, it requires custom announcements or must be bought in Turkey. The online application guidelines in Turkish may be accessed at www. Answer: You can bring your household pets Totally 2 pets cats, dogs or birds or 10 aquarium fish provided that they are travelling via passenger. Answer: Legislation of the goods subject to the import process varies according to the features of these items. Answer: Right holders or their representatives may use their electronic signatures and apply online through the web page of the Ministry of Trade www.