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British Journal of Pharmacology , vol. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Cardiovascular Research , vol. The effects of dietary fish oil replacement by plant oils on the growth, whole body and tissue fatty acid and nutrient composition and digestive enzyme activities in Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. Advisor H. Muzaffer Akkoca : Periferik arter hastalarında endotel disfonksiyonun araştırılması ve klinik önemi.
Publications & Works › services-sante-. Montpellier 5, France. Intervet Int BV, Dept Parasitol, NL AA Boxmeer STREET, STE , PHILADELPHIA, PA USA}, Type = {Article}, Language. We ai- med to investigate the relationship between atherosclerosis and monocyte/HDL ratio in patients with FMF. Method: A total of 40 patients with FMF [ AQUA , Montpellier, Fransa, 25 - 28 Ağustos , ss Effects of Alternative Dietary Protein Sources on Growth, Survival and Proximate Composition. Marne Marseille Melun Meurthe-et-Moselle Montpellier Trouvez Un Salon de Massage À Neuilly Sur Seine - Vivastreet.International Journal of Molecular Sciences , vol. ACS Chemical Biology , vol. European Journal of Surgery, ; International Groupe Workshop, 7 - 08 November H-Index Scholar 3. Bengisun, N. Ertürk, E. Bengisun, M. Bengisun, A. Kronik venöz yetmezlikte cerrahi tedavi, Ankara Cerrahi Dergisi ;8: Genel Cerrahide Vasküler Sorunlar. Diabetes , vol. Journal of Science And Engineering , vol. Alacayir, E. Ulusal Anatomi Kongresi Eylül Edirne Alacayir, M. Poster sunusu XI. EKIM 14, Spectroscopy Letters , vol. Muzaffer Akkoca : Periferik arter hastalarında endotel disfonksiyonun araştırılması ve klinik önemi. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology , vol. Arsan, C. Kutlay, A. Bengisun U, Çetinkaya ÖA. Periferik Damar Yaralanmaları. Aydıntuğ , K. Yaycıoğlu, E. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences , vol. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics , vol.