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So far everyone is alive, and I chose Samara to lead the small group surrounded by the biotic barrier, but now I am faced with another option. Showing 1 - 8 of 8 comments. She explains that she's not working for Cerberus, but for Shepard, in order to assist the fight against the Collectors, and making it clear that she has no regrets about it, having lived through the liberation of Shanxi , the Skyllian Blitz and more. Chakwas to do research on the Citadel and recruit Dr. Projects Forum Policy Forum Community Forum Watercooler Forum legacy Help Desk Forum legacy.
Mass Effect 2
I didn't even know she could die until not too Lastly, you will also need to decide whether to send somebody to escort the Normandy's crew out of the Collector Base: If you choose somebody Loyal to escort Or you can send a Loyal squadmate to escort So yeah, the Michel thing is essentially there so that any player, even those who let Chakwas die In any case, Shepard will then choose whether or not to assign a squadmate to escort Dr. Chakwas and any remaining survivors back to the Normandy. If Shepard Yeah, Chakwas is one of the harder characters to kill off (only if you don't send an escort).Aria's cache of goodies? Chakwas joined Cerberus; it is because of Joker who will always need her help with his Vrolik syndrome , even if he never admits it. Heleus Cluster Eos Aya Voeld Havarl Kadara Hc Elaaden. I know its over a year later, but what the hell; Her name's Karin, according to the leaked script. Even if Dr. Don't have an account? If she didn't survive what happens to her scene in Arrival? She has a very calm bedside manner, assuring Shepard that everything looks normal, though she is perturbed by the Commander's vision and decides to add it to her report. I would Google "holding the line" outcomes to see what guaranteed combinations will bet what and personally I wonder if there are outside factors. I propose to move this article to Karin Chakwas as it is the proper name of the character. On the other hand, the longer the mission is delayed, the lower the number of the Normandy's crew remains alive, eventually leaving only Dr. Categories : Characters Humans Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Cut Content Normandy Systems Alliance Recurring Characters Add category. End of mission - Shepard dies due to 1 or less squadmates surviving The bolded part in particular is questionable. Chakwas gratefully comments that Shepard and Joker are the truest friends she's ever had. Super Walkthrough Pathfinder Ryder Augmentations Mods Research Development Narrative Actions Profiles Romance. After the mission to restart the reactors of a turian fuel depot on Cyone , Dr. Everything got put back when the dialogue was really over. Why is it in the main article that she talks about the one who died? Sign In Register. Little can be known for certain, but she most likely grew up in a region where there were other people who spoke British English. She provides words of comfort and encouragement to Adams when he blames himself for not helping the team back in Discussions Rules and Guidelines. STORE Home Discovery Queue Wishlist Points Shop News Stats. Super Walkthrough Pathfinder Ryder Augmentations Mods Research Development Narrative Actions Profiles Romance. Chakwas does not pass out this time, having learnt her lesson from being drunk the last time. I personally favor the first one; if necessary only the final sentence could be used to shorten it, but I like including the full quote. Is it possible to get everyone killed in the Suicide Mission while recruiting every available character in the game? Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab. Does that little plan I drew up work? nehukog 14 years ago 1. When EDI takes over Dr. She managed to evacuate the ship via escape pods, along with several crewmembers. Chakwas reminiscing about Pvt. Databases Codex Codex Mass Effect: Andromeda Alliance News Network Cerberus Daily News Heleus News Service News Stories.